
Gualandi Mission for the Deaf

The Congregation Piccola Missione per i Sordomuti (Little Mission for the Deaf) was founded in Bologna, Italy by Fr. Giuseppe Gualandi in 1872 and is presently working in Italy, Brazil, and the Philippines for the education and evangelization of the Deaf. The Religious Community of the Mission in the Philippines is popularly known as the Gualandi Mission for the Deaf.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


1. Applicants to the Mission are required to undergo the Prenovitiate period that is divided into two stages, namely, Aspirancy and Postulancy.

2. The Aspirancy should be for at least three months long. During this stage, the Aspirants start to learn by heart the nature of the Mission in particular and of the Religious Life in general and to respond diligently to the demands of the apostolate. During Aspirancy, the applicant may opt to live outside but is required to visit the Community from time to time, or stay in the Community on weekends.

3. The Local Superior may accept the Aspirant to the Postulancy which lasts for at least six months and may take place in one of the houses of the Congregation or in a house not belonging to the Congregation but under the guidance of the Formator designated by the General Council. During the Postulancy, the applicant is obliged to live full-time in the Community as he continues to learn the life and work in the Mission.

4. Towards the end of Postulancy, the applicant asks in writing for admission to the Novitiate.

5. The Postulant may be accepted to the Novitiate provided that he is already 17 years old and meets all requirements. He must be healthy, has a suitable disposition and sufficient maturity to undertake the formation and to live in the Community under the authority of the Superior. Accordingly, the following documents must be submitted and verified prior to the Novitiate:

a. Certificates of Birth, Baptismal, and Confirmation
b. Diploma or Transcript of Records (he must be at least a high school graduate)
c. Letter of Recommendation (from Parish Priest and/or previous employer)
d. Medical Certificate
e. Letter of Declaration regarding Impediments

6. The Local Superior may dismiss an Aspirant or Postulant for just and valid reasons. Admission to the Novitiate depends on the decision of the General Superior and his Council with consideration to the evaluation and recommendation of the Local Community regarding each individual Postulant.

7. The Mission accepts lay volunteers through the Gualandi Volunteers Service Program (GVSP).


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