
Gualandi Mission for the Deaf

The Congregation Piccola Missione per i Sordomuti (Little Mission for the Deaf) was founded in Bologna, Italy by Fr. Giuseppe Gualandi in 1872 and is presently working in Italy, Brazil, and the Philippines for the education and evangelization of the Deaf. The Religious Community of the Mission in the Philippines is popularly known as the Gualandi Mission for the Deaf.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


June 9, 1826
Birth of Fr. Giuseppe Gualandi in Bologna

December 23, 1848
Sacerdotal Ordination of Fr. Giuseppe Gualandi

July 8, 1849
Beginning of Fr. Giuseppe Gualandi’s vocation to serve the deaf

July 18, 1857
Pope Pius IX named St. Francis de Sales as Patron Saint of the Deaf

August 15, 1872
Approval of the Mission as “Pious Congregation of the Patriarch St. Joseph and St. Francis de Sales for the Instruction of the Deafmute”

May 1, 1903
Approval of the Mission as “Little Mission for the Abandoned Deafmute”

July 14, 1907
Death of Fr. Giuseppe Gualandi in Bologna

May 26, 1984
Foundation of the Mission in Londrina, Brazil

October 28, 1988
Foundation of the Mission in Cebu City, Philippines


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